every Wednesday until further notice, starting 15.01 2025
20:00-21:30 at The Pastory
Louis Schuermanstraat 1, 9040 Gent, Belgium,
donation based ***
The laboratory-like sessions I offer here represent an accessible and distinct application of the performing and fine arts, somatic and nature awareness:
All of them are being approached from the practice and understanding of meditation.
To my experience, this provides the potential to facilitate a process that generates empathy and well-being, an embodied and applied sense for reverence and mystery, for interspecies ethics and ecological practice – all of which I regard as basics for a regenerative culture.
May these gatherings offer you a sense of refuge and support, as much as tools, skills and insight for a life that feels integrated and wholesome, despite profoundly challenging times.
Feel free to get in touch, if you have any question, or if you are from an institution and would like to integrate a session/map out a course -> contact (at) passiveactivism.net
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